Religion Recovery

I want to thank my readers and the for providing a means to process thoughts. I have published a book with some of the blog selections.

“Religion Recovery” by Faye Hager

“Illumination dispels darkness. The cave is really a tunnel. The journey begins.”

“Did Hell freeze over?!” The Christians could not believe that the beloved Bible teacher and devoted servant of God would leave the church. Rumors ran rampant. People had their own explanation. The light had been turned on. The room didn’t look right. She had to discover how to get out of the room and what she might need to take with her.

It can be bought now as a eBook at for your Kindle or IPad

Next week it will be available in book form from

Should you purchase it, I hope you will be assisted in your own journey to recovery and encouragement.


“Leo and the Listener”

“The voices whisper. If you listen you can hear the past.”

“Leo is a runaway slave who dies in the cellar of the Frost home. He cannot move on until he is able to tell the story. But no one is listening. He misses his beloved Sena and wants to return to her. He has to tell someone the secrets of the house so he can be freed. As the new owner tears down the old walls for restoration, the stories break out as the walls break open.”

my new novella available for eBook from Amazon for $3.99. It will go to your Kindle or to your iPad.  It was inspired by the discoveries made while we have been rehabbing our 200 year old home.

If you purchase, let me know what you thought!