
“Patience is bitter, but it’s fruit is sweet.” Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Today, I am waiting for workmen to arrive. You know, they give you a window of time. Often, a BIG window of time.

Hmmm…what to do…..iPAD! That kills some time. Then, the phone rings-oh dear–they are running late. Tomorrow, they will be here…. and so it goes.

Waiting for furniture, or workmen is one thing. Waiting for a pandemic to go away is another. Waiting for a storm that blasts through one’s life is yet another. I used to wait for the storm to pass. After so many storms, I learned to just get into the eye of the storm. It is peaceful there! At least, for a moment.

Practice patience. I like alliteration. Peacefully practice patience. Please, peacefully practice patience. Eventually, my mantra assists me toward endurance.

“Endurance is patience concentrated.” Thomas Carlyle

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