Safe Place

“Man learns through experience, and the spiritual path is full of different kinds of experiences. He will encounter many difficulties and obstacles, and they are the very experiences he needs to encourage and complete the cleansing process.” Sai Baba

There seems to be a common temptation to help others along life’s path. One might feel an eagerness to share what one knows, right? I ask myself, actually fairly frequently, when does ‘sharing’ become ‘bossing’ and, or, ‘directing’ others? There seems to be a very fine line between the two.

Perhaps ‘sharing’ is a response to a request for information or direction.

Perhaps ‘directing’ is pro-offering the information without a request.

Could it be that simple?

There have been many times in my life when I felt a suffering, or a broken heart, as I observed someone I loved struggle with an issue in life. I wanted to rush right in there, and let my loved one know how the issue should be handled. If I didn’t come up with the plan to direct another, there was always a person nearby who reminded me of that duty. Somehow, now making me feel guilty if I didn’t intervene and interject what that person should (the word I do not like!) do.

But, I remind myself-I do not know their life path. I cannot be aware of all that the person I am concerned about is supposed to learn in life. In fact, I could completely mis-direct by pro-offering my direction.

It does take patience and faith though. Mixed with kindness, support, encouragement, and tolerance. There could be a lot of stumbling along the way. I may not be able to prohibit the stumble, but one thing I can do is create a safe place to land. A safe place to find someone they can trust. A safe place to land when they fall.

“….choosing kindness is being more mindful about it, letting go of impatience and intolerance along the way.” Daniel Lubetsky

Protective Coverage

“Summer means happy times and good sunshine.” Brian Wilson

And it also means Sun Rash-which is such a pity. I love to be outside. As soon as the winter dreariness is cleared away with the  power wash of spring, I want to be outside. I want to garden, walk, swim, and help Joe with construction. It all comes at a cost.

Winter is free. Summer is expensive. At the first exposure to the sun, I break out in tiny, itchy bumps. So…I have to decide. Go outside unprepared and uncovered and itch. Or go outside with appropriate gear in the attempt to ward off the sun’s apparent irritation to my skin.

Faye with sun gear painting

When I can, I try to protect myself from the sun. I still go out, but with some caution.

Life is actually very similar. We can get hurt by other people. We have a similar choice: stay in and be protected, or venture out and interact with people and receive possible enjoyment. I suppose I have to admit that over time, I’ve learned to protect myself a little. I place some degree of protective coverage between me and a new person until I have some trust that the person is safe.

I used to trust easily. Stephen King says, “The trust of the innocent is the liar’s most useful tool.” And so it was. Consequently, now I am more protective. To trust and be trusted is a valuable gem. Earned trust is a treasure.

“To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.” George MacDonald